Street Fighter 666

Holy crap this game is scary please help me or I will kill you.okay it all started at hyper-realistic town named SQUID.exe. This city is big and small. Ok (STOP SAYING OK) oh sorry. Well I got this game from the game shop and the cashier said "OMG IS THAT STREET FIGHTER 666?" I replied yes. "CAN I COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND PLAY?" You should've seen my face. I can only express it with text. O)_(O "So... you wanna play this game? Why not play it here? There's a tv and Xbox Two right there. So we played, and it was a bootleg of Street Fighter 5... screw you  creator of this ga- wait... I told the cashier. "WTF Y U BUY DIS BOOTLEG!?!?" He replied, "Shaddup I luv dis game cuck" Then I punched him and started the game. Well, needless to say.